Minimising tax through more effective planning
You are entitled to take full advantage of taxation laws in order to structure income, outgoings and deductions in ways that reduce the amount of tax you pay.
The secret is in combining accurate and complete record keeping with thoroughly up-to-date knowledge of ever-changing, often poorly announced changes in tax requirements.
Your Advice Centre tax team takes it as a personal challenge to ensure you pay the least tax permissible. We have sophisticated systems in place and customise them to encompass your needs.
Each industry has its taxation challenges and pitfalls and we make sure we know your business backwards so nothing slips through the tax minimisation net.
With us on your side, tax time no longer has to be torture time, either for your business or you. You also benefit from our high standing and solid relationship with the tax office and their trust in the way we work for our clients in such areas as:
- Preparation and lodgement of BAS
- Fringe Benefit Tax returns
- Tax planning and minimisation strategies
- Advice for income and capital gains tax, rental properties, share trading and GST
- Research and development
- Liaison with the Australian Tax Office
- Other tax agent services
- Income tax returns for
- Individuals, personal and investors
- Individual and partnership in business
- Companies
- Trusts
- Self managed superannuation funds
Stress-free business accounting
To ensure you’re always working with up-to-date figures there are solutions in cloud based accounting software to streamline your business operations.
As a Xero Partner we can assist with the right fit for you and your business.
We can provide a range of business service solutions, example:
- Monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual financial reporting to suit your needs
- Advice on appropriate record keeping systems specifically for your business
- Benchmarking reports to compare your business to industry standards
- Business Activity Statement (BAS) preparation via cloud based accounting software solutions
- Preparation of reports for business purchase or sale
- Financial reports analysis to improve business results and assist in the decision to buy a business
- Maintenance of corporate register and preparation and lodgement of ASIC returns
Business Development
Growing, nurturing and eventually leaving your business
As you know, there’s more to running a successful enterprise than simply being passionate about what you offer. It’s also a numbers game – a very serious one where your achievements are ultimately measured through your bookkeeping and accounts records.
There is also the matter of your business lifecycle. As you can see from this diagram, the story of every business has a clear beginning, middle and end.

You want your business to make money for you throughout your career and ultimately provide you with a saleable enterprise to fund your exit strategy. The end of your involvement presents a strong opportunity for your successors – whether they are family, staff or outsiders.
To make that happen you need a long-term strategy that builds to a successful conclusion. It is especially important to plan well ahead, while you’re at the top of your game. Otherwise you run the risk of a hurried exit (perhaps through illness or other problems) and fail to extract the value you expect and deserve.
Your Advice Centre business development team is with you all the way. We help you run your enterprise effectively and ensure the accurate record keeping you need for compliance and taxation.
You will know the value and potential of your business at all times, be able to maintain your customer base, compete effectively and maximise ongoing turnover and profitability. Our business development programs include helping you to:
- Establish clear, measurable business objectives
- Set up your budgeting and cash flow so you always know where you are financially
- Identify your key performance indicators
- Meet with you to discuss your business performance
- Business transition and succession
- Business restructuring
- Asset protection
- Purchase and sale strategies
- Preparation of operating statements for business sale
- ‘What-if’ analysis and projections for best planning
- CFO services
- Board advisory services
- Mentoring and coaching
- Growth strategies
- Cost analysis
We help you achieve peak performance at every stage, from start up, growth, expansion and maturity through to the exit plan – whether you decide to retire or start a new business.
Self Managed Super Funds Made Easy
Running self managed super funds (SMSF) are a major challenge to non-specialists.
Your Advice Centre Wealth Solutions Specialist will help you get through the minefield of complex regulations and requirements – where the potential for costly errors is huge.
You’ll find it pays to get expert help from our SMSF experts. They’ll help you fully understand the traps, including the never-ending stream of amendments and changes – an obstacle course set in shifting sands.
Your fully licensed Advice Centre super fund specialists will help you sort out the complexities, compliance requirements and taxation strategies most appropriate for your SMSF so you can provide for your financial future in the most effective way.
Whether you are at the beginning of your business career or planning for retirement, take control of your self managed super fund now.
Disclaimer: Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.